It turns out that Steve didn't even give a sermon today. He literally gave a "report" (his word), boasting about what a wonderful church they are and how they gave over $7 million to "missions" this year to date. This pastor gave every indication in his report how he is more interested in pleasing men and getting praise from men instead of pleasing God. During his report, Steve spoke about how loving they are out in the community, yet he doesn't ever tell his congregation that they need to love all preborn babies into the world instead of allowing women to believe that it's normal to murder their babies in the womb if they don't want to parent an unexpected baby.
Following is a video clip of the conversation I had with "pastor" Steve today after the "report" he presented this morning to his congregation. I've also included a link to a copy of the email exchange I had with this "pastor" nearly two weeks ago. UMC Pastor Supports Baby Murder (email exchange.)
If you are a true born-again, believer in Jesus Christ, please get involved with the weightier matters of the law that Jesus, Himself, said we need to be concerned with. (Matthew 23:23).