Do you have any level of compassion for the thousands of
preborn babies who are being brutally murdered every day in America? If your
answer is, "yes" then when are you going to take action to advocate
for them?
If your cell phone service provider or your internet
provider falsely overcharged your account, would you just pray for God to fix
the problem for you or would you pray for guidance as you take action to
advocate for yourself? If you start out
just praying about the issue, how much of the wrongful overcharges would you
continue to pay before you pick up the phone to get the issue resolve? Let's be
100% honest here. The truth is you wouldn't hesitate to pick up your phone to
talk with a representative for as long as it took to get the issue resolved. Am
I right?
My next question then is: Why is your bank account and
your personal comfort and enjoyment more important than the lives of helpless,
vulnerable preborn babies who are being brutally ripped apart? Why?
It's time to Abolish Human Abortion. Wake up out of your
apathy. Stop being so consumed with self and get serious about trusting in and
serving the King Who you profess to know and love. If you continue to be
apathetic about the plight of the preborn, then you are allowing the proliferation of
child sacrifice to go on within God's house that spreads out into the culture.
That is an abomination to God. Until Christians get serious about exposing the
evil of abortion, they are storing up God's anger on themselves.
If all you're doing is donating money to and/or volunteering
at a pregnancy center where you never expose the evil of abortion, then you are
actually a very lukewarm church that Jesus said He's going to vomit out of His
mouth (Revelation 3:15-16). The sad truth is that pregnancy centers are not
doing anything to end America's Abortion Holocaust--they are actually more of a
traditional charity organization that financially assists pregnant women who
have already decided to keep their baby. In fact, only approximately 25% of all the
proceeds received by these centers is actually used directly toward counseling abortion-minded
men and women. What's even worse is that
the vast majority of pregnancy centers across the country don't even discuss
eternal matters with the abortion-minded men and women who come into their
center. This is very serious.
It's time to change the status quo. Go to the website and start learning
more on the subject of abolishing abortion. You can also find an abolitionist
society near you to get involved in and/or learn how to start your own
abolitionist society in your community. In addition, I have put together a
training blog at to get
Christians familiar with and equipped to abolish human abortion. If we REALLY want to see abortion abolished
in our lifetime, then the status quo MUST be shaken out of its coma. Will you
prayerfully consider this? It all comes back to being faithful and obedient to
our Lord and relying on His Providence
for the outcome.