Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Message To Parents of Public School Students

(The following article is authored by abolitionist, Don Cooper in Portland, Oregon. This letter is truly a message to ALL parents who see Abolitionists in front of their student's school.)

My message to the parents of the students at Prairie High School.

It is a very real thing that about 1/3 of the moms and dads bringing their kids to the school have killed one or more their children. That means as mom or dad drives their son or daughter to class this morning, they are faced with the contemplation that they have killed their son's and daughter's sibling or siblings.

A son has had his little brother murdered. A daughter has had a big sister murdered. And not just murdered, but murdered by their own parents. Our mere presence reminds them of this. The images of abortion on the sidewalk bring back the recollection of that son or daughter that was intentionally extinguished. And as they sit next to the one they didn't kill, they are now left with trying to explain this once abstract thing called abortion made real to both parent and child. Their response is often anger. Shoot the messenger for uncovering this foul and festering wound.

While some might subscribe to the idea that ignorance is bliss or to just let it be, we think that is the most uncaring thing we could do. The guilt that is upon us all for either complicity and/or complacency regarding abortion can only be dealt with when we face the truth and lay it at the foot of the cross of Christ. Avoiding the topic is not loving. Giving people critical truth both of the sin and the solution to that sin is the most loving thing we can do.

We are also "forcing our view" outside these schools in an attempt to break a never ending cycle of injustice rationalized as it is passed on from one generation to the next. Parents, you were lied to. You don't have to lie to your kids, too. If you attempt to explain away abortion to your kids as something less than murder, you are a liar. Repent of your denial and tell your kids the truth. Abortion is murder. That is not opinion. That is solid and unassailable truth. And you know it too as you look straight into the face of a murdered child on the images we bear outside your school.

There is hope in Christ. The one God is holy and just but also merciful. He is the only way to life. And that is the honest truth that we attempt to share with you.