Sunday, April 13, 2014

Understanding the Church Repent Project

(The following article is authored by abolitionist, T. Russell Hunter in Norman, Oklahoma)

Those who are part of the body and bride of Christ who make up the church of the living God recognize that the American church needs to wake up from their slumberous apathy and repent of failing to love (or even recognize) the plight of their pre-born neighbors. Those who have made an idol out of comfort, personal peace, spiritual affluence, and the esteem and opportunity provided to them by the institutional religious system, live to protect the way of the world and their place in it from any and all critique or exhortation. Such people "go to church" or make churches for themselves and see the church as an order or an edifice upon which they build their day to day justification and excuse their abandonment of true spiritual service and worship and steady sanctification.

Those who are hidden in Christ, who hear his voice, and follow Him as Lord and King know that God abhors the false worship of blood drenched hands lifted high in religious celebration or heads bowed low in feel-good prayer or hunched over backs bent in adoration of the words of great theologians.

Our world is awash with child-sacrifice centers, dim-lite steeple buildings, and religious social clubs. To believe that the leaders of the accepted church and the throngs of sheep who enter their pastures for a couple of hours each week are in no way responsible for the state of justice and mercy in our present world is horrifically unbiblical.

We are to be salt and light. If our communities are dark spoiled rotten wicked places full of wounds, bruises, and putrefying sores, if our churches share the roads with child sacrifice centers, if our churches spend more money on toilet paper than they do the practice of true religion, you can be sure of one thing… Exhortation to love and good deeds is entirely in order.

The only people who will oppose exhortation are those who find shelter in the present order. They act like lost people refusing to be examined or "judged" rightly according to the word of God. Their excuses and aversions are no different from any lost person who desires to justify themselves upon their good works, social status, or background.

If the people who profess the name of the living God and claim to follow Christ as King stop protecting themselves and admit their failure to keep the commandments of which they seek to make disciples, God will forgive and restore us to power and persuasion among this perverse generation.

A revival of the church of Jesus Christ in America holds the key to abolition. But there will be no revival without repentance. And without revival, there can be no revolution to produce abolition.

He who has ears to hear, let him hear.