Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Christian Families are Murdering their Babies in Cold Blood

In the six years that I have been advocating for the preborn, I've been increasingly troubled at what I've witnessed from the Christian community with regard to how they respond and react to the sin of abortion.

The most troubling reality that I and other abolitionists across the country have been witnessing over and over is that there are more Christians who murder their babies in the womb than there are Christians who are or will genuinely advocate for the preborn and work to abolish human abortion.

Sadly, the group of Christians who are the least willing to genuinely advocate for the preborn are pastors.  Don't believe me?  Just ask your pastor if you can start a ministry outreach in your church for the preborn to abolish human abortion and see what he says to you.  He will pat you on the head and tell you to either donate money to or volunteer at your local crisis pregnancy center (CPC).  You will quickly discover that pastors and elders won't even deal with the sin of abortion in their own building. Pastors and elders allow family after family to be ravished by the sin of abortion because of their own personal fear and self-preservation.

As a former crisis pregnancy center director, I can testify that CPC's are only covering half the battlefield in the fight to abolish human abortion. CPC's function as only one of the TWO modes of abolition―the mode of "Assistance."  The second mode of abolition is "Agitation." Both modes of abolition are absolutely essential in the fight to successfully abolish human abortion. The Church can build and fund another 500,000 CPC's across the country and abortion will continue to run rampant in our nation because the CPC's do nothing to change the hearts and minds of the culture of death that we live in.

To give you a glimpse of what I'm referring to, I'm going to provide you with the details of a typical example of the outreach for the preborn missions work that I do.

There was one Saturday this past September while I was out on the public sidewalk in front of one of the five abortion centers in Tampa, Florida, reaching out to the men and women going into the abortion facility, when a family of four drove up into the parking lot of the business complex where this particular abortion center is located.  As soon as they spotted me, they backed up and parked far away from where I was standing in order to avoid making contact with me.

After they went into the building, I walked just close enough to their car so that I could read the bottom of their Florida license plate. Sure enough their license plate read, "In God We Trust."

They soon spotted me in the business complex parking lot (not owned by the abortion center) near their car, and came outside to confront me. When I called them out as professing Christians who needed to reconsider the fact that they brought their grandchild to be murdered, the conviction level went through the roof, and it became apparent that the pregnant teenage daughter was being coerced by her parents and her boyfriend to have her baby murdered.

This professing Christian family (via their license plate) immediately began yelling and cursing at me more than a dozen times to "Shut the f--- up!"  Here's the kicker: As my pleas to this family (that I would adopt their baby) fell on deaf ears and murderous hearts, they walked right passed the crisis pregnancy center that sits right next door to the abortion facility.  They walked passed the CPC and straight into the killing place to have their innocent, unwanted, orphaned baby murdered in cold blood. 

Not only is the CPC closed on Saturdays, but even if they had been opened, there was absolutely nothing they could have done to try and persuade that family to go inside the CPC for counseling and assistance―nothing. Sadly, there was a total of twelve families who went inside the killing place that day to have their babies murdered. Some of them also sporting the, "In God We Trust" license plate on their vehicle.

So I have to ask: How many more babies must die a very brutal death before you begin to genuinely advocate for them? When will you let go of some of your recreational activities and start being a voice for these orphaned babies? When will you step outside of your comfort zone and obey Jesus' command to love your preborn neighbor?

To find out more about the two modes of abolition, along with the five tenets and seven stages of abolition, go to www.AbolishHumanAbortion.com and do some research. You can also view the encounter I had with the family mentioned above at this link. It was all captured on video.

In closing, you will also find on my YouTube channel videos of many other encounters I've had with the general public as I labor to abolish human abortion in my lifetime. Will you join me in being on the right side of history when abortion is abolished? All it takes is a genuine desire to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.
--Diana Kline, Abortion Abolitionist