Over the past forty-two years in the war to abolish human
abortion, the Christian community, as a whole, has put all of their allocated time,
money and resources into para-church ministries known as crisis pregnancy centers
(CPC's) as their sole means of trying to end abortion. Sadly, with this defensive approach as their
only strategy, the war to ending abortion will never be won—there has to be an offensive
strategy established and acted upon within every church fellowship on behalf of
their preborn neighbors in order to truly attain the authentic victory of the
total abolition of human abortion.

Before I
explain how to go on the offense to abolish human abortion, I should share how
I can confidently assert that CPC's are only covering half the battlefield (via
their defensive position) in the fight to end abortion. Here are a couple of eye-opening
accounts that I experienced in my 1 1/2 year tenure as a CPC director. These accounts
were not isolated incidents, but instead are very common occurrences in the
day-to-day routine within the ministry work of crisis pregnancy centers with
the exception of my personal reaction to the second account described below.
Here's the first account: On one
of my usual days of answering the phone while in the office, a call came into
the center from a man who immediately asked, "Do you do abortions
there?" As a trained hot-line volunteer, I responded with something like,
"Thank you so much for contacting our office. Your friend has several
options as she works through her pregnancy which is why we carefully counsel
every client through each option free of charge. We start with a free pregnancy
test and go from there. We have an opening this afternoon. Can the two of you
come in around 2:00 pm?" Without any hesitation the man immediately asked
again, "Do you do abortions there?" I responded with something like,
"I'd love the opportunity to sit down with the two of you to discuss this
important decision. Will you allow me to go over all of your options today? It's possible that your friend may not even
need an abortion." As soon as I finished my sentence, the caller simply
hung up the phone without an utterance. Gone. Another baby who screamed in
agony as he was brutally ripped to pieces by the abortionist's instruments of
another occasion a call came in from a young woman with a similar demeanor, but
this time I was able to draw her into a dialogue. At first I was making some
headway and almost had her making the appointment to come into the center, but
in a split second, she reverted back into her panic mode and began to back off.
At that moment I began to plead with her to come into our office, that I wanted
to help her with the fears she was facing with her pregnancy, but to no avail.
This woman had convinced herself that her life was too complicated to go
through with having a baby. I pleaded with her through tears, but in the end
she hung up the phone without giving me her name or contact information. An anonymous
woman feeling desperate. . . . Another baby murdered at the hands of a baby
killer. . . . A pregnancy center left unable to do anything to stop this act of
violence. . . . And a police department
that would laugh at me if I had called them to report a possible murder. Welcome
to America's Abortion Holocaust.
Here's the second account: As I
was sitting at my desk (six months into my service as director) looking over
the three piles of sorted mail (which consisted of two inches of solicitations,
an inch of bills and a scanty pile of donations) my eyes began to be opened to
a horrifying reality. After reaching the end of the solicitation pile which
included a variety of petitions vying for the pregnancy center's funds such as
requests for the center to hire the solicitor's particular speaker for our next
fundraiser; solicitations to buy the latest pro-life documentary video, piece
of literature, educational materials, equipment or fundraising ideas; and
solicitations for advertising/marketing campaigns, employee/volunteer training
classes, etc, etc., it was all pieces of evidence that pierced my heart as with
flaming arrows, causing me to weep deeply at my desk at the horrifying reality
that the crisis pregnancy centers had become a multi-million dollar business
industry that lives and breathes off a society that has accepted the
decriminalization of baby murder as a permanent social ill. The CPC industry
has either directly or indirectly accepted defeat in the fight to end abortion.
time to change the status quo! It's time to establish your offensive team in
your church fellowship in which you put the abortion "ball" in your
hands and thrust it out into the public square for everyone to see the
horrifying truth of what abortion does to a preborn baby after he has been in
the hands of a baby killer. This is the only way to get into the end zone to
defeat the abortion industry. The hard reality is that people will never truly
reject abortion until they first SEE abortion.
first step to building your offensive ministry team is to begin your research
at www.AbolishHumanAbortion.com. From that website you will find a plethora of
information on the five tenets, two modes and seven stages of abolition, along
with the tools and strategies to get started exposing the evil of abortion in
your community. You'll also find a map of abolitionist societies all across the
world. There may be one near you to connect with.
Get the
process started and allow the chips to fall where they may. There will most
likely be some push back in every church fellowship on using the offensive
strategy because there are many people in all church fellowships who are
unrepentant of their past abortion(s). We can't allow ourselves to be driven by
the fear of man. For the sake of these individuals' eternal souls, the truth of
abortion must be exposed and a call to repentance must be made from the pulpit.
time to end this mass slaughter of innocent blood. This is something that
matters for eternity. You need to get this right. Pastors, in particular, you will
be held to a higher accountability for your indifference toward the plight of
the preborn. It's time to genuinely start loving your preborn neighbors and
seek to establish justice for them. Don't put this off any longer. You are in
danger of being faced with the possibility that Jesus may say to you, ". .
.[I]nasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not
do it to Me. And these will go away into everlasting punishment. . . ." (Matthew
Diana Kline - Abortion Abolitionist