Wednesday, January 8, 2014

It's Not a "Calling"---It's a Command

So often when I'm out doing ministry work to end America's Abortion Holocaust, Christians will say to me, "It's not my calling," or "That's not my gift."  Well guess what Christians?  It's NOT a "calling" or a "spiritual gift" to love your preborn neighbor—it's a command.  The Bible is very clear on this.  When Jesus was asked by the lawyer in Matthew chapter 22 which is the great commandment, He replied, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. . . . And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."  

Then in Luke chapter 10 this account continues with the lawyer asking Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"  Jesus then proceeds to explain the parable about the man who was wounded on the side of the road and left for dead; and how two religious leaders (the priest and Levite) saw the wounded man, but chose to walk on the other side of the road in order to completely avoid getting involved in physically helping him.  Then a Samaritan came by, and out of compassion for the man, assisted him by bandaging his wounds and getting him to a place where he could be cared for.  When Jesus asked the lawyer which of the three men was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves, he answered, "He who showed mercy on him." Then Jesus said to him, "Go and DO likewise." (Emphasis mine). Christians are commanded to do something to physically help those who are wounded—not just pray or donate money or declare it's not their calling or spiritual gift to get involved.  Where is your compassion for the preborn babies who are being fatally wounded every week in your city?

In light of all of this, ALL Christians are to bring their spiritual gifts to bear as we carry out God's command to love our preborn neighbor.  When I and others are out ministering for the preborn, we are not responding to a "calling"—we are simply being faithful and obedient to Christ our LORD to love our preborn neighbor.  And so should all of you. Every Christian has a duty to set aside some time in their schedule to do something to love their preborn neighbor who is being abandoned by his mother and forsaken by our society.  You have preborn neighbors who are scheduled this week to be fatally wounded within a close proximity of your home and your church.  What are you doing to rescue those babies who are being led to the slaughter? (Proverbs 24:11-12).

The Sonya's Law in Wisconsin has so many Christians believing that it's saving babies and closing down abortion centers.  But in reality it has done NOTHING to save preborn babies or end abortion in the state of Wisconsin.  In fact, a federal court (this past November) upheld the block they put on the segment of the law that requires abortionists to have hospital admitting privileges.  In their statements they were candid about intentionally upholding the block in order to allow abortionists enough time to gain hospital admitting privileges so that they will be in compliance with the new law.  In addition, the well-established prolife organizations are not telling you that Planned Parenthood has opened up mega and regional abortion centers to REPLACE or otherwise consolidate the smaller abortion centers that have closed down all across the country.

As a result of this incremental "prolife" legislation insanity, a defining shift and separation has started to occur within the pro-life movement.  There are now two camps of thought/ideology:  (1) Those who have and continue to promote and support endless, useless abortion regulating incremental tactics—most of whom only take a moral position that abortion is wrong of which some of those individuals donate money to an organization without engaging in the actual work of ending abortion; and (2) Those who have repented of their apathy toward the plight of the preborn and/or realize that incremental legislation is not working toward ending abortion and, therefore, are personally engaged in the fight to abolish human abortion without exceptions and without apology.  The latter have started to completely separate themselves from the established Pro-Life Movement.  I, for example, no longer refer to myself as being "prolife."  I am an abolitionist.

Jesus never intended for His disciples to just hang out with each other, attending worship services, Bible studies and fellowship gatherings until He returns.  We are to boldly bring the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into conflict with the culture's apathy, indifference and violence against the preborn.  Abolish Human Abortion is a Christian movement that is grounded with the Gospel.  It's an ideology that puts into practice two modes, five tenets and seven stages of abolition through non-violent means.  Please take the time to go to the main abolitionist website and thoroughly research all the information on what abolitionism is, how it functions and what it looks like. 

At that website you will be able to locate an abolitionist society in your area to join, and you will also learn how to start an abolitionist society in your area. Any Christian can do this with a little amount of time and a small amount of funds.  That address is:  When you go to the main abolitionist website, you will learn from videos and articles how to be out in public, loving your preborn neighbor and sharing the Gospel with this lost and dying world. You can also browse my blog-spot that you are currently on and learn more as well.  It's time for every Christian to be a doer of the Word and not a hearer only (James 1:22).  It's time to abolish human abortion!

Also, you can watch the following short video to view how I engaged a Christian man in a discussion to understand that it's not a "calling" to love our preborn neighbor---it's a command.