[The following article/post is authored by the founders of the Abolish Human Abortion movement in Norman, Oklahoma. The Abolitionist Society of Tampa agrees with this explanation on our position regarding the shutting-down of some abortion centers across the U.S.] :
In response to a confused [Facebook] page-member's question about whether we want closed-down abortion clinics to re-open...?
We are happy to hear of every killing center closed down and we pray they remain closed for good. We just don't turn these happy occasions into triumphalist claims about the success of whatever the current legislative battle is or use them in our fundraising pitches or claim that if you send us a thousand dollars we will close down the rest by the same means.
We think it is more complicated than all that.
There are many reasons and causes behind a particular clinic's being shut down and some of the reasons that a clinic is shut down end up preserving the right to abortion longer and make its practice more difficult to abolish in the future.
For instance, when pro-lifers shut down a clinic BECAUSE it isn't very clean (as opposed to shutting it down because it is a murderous child sacrifice center) the abortion industry improves that clinic or opens a better clinic down the street.
This sort of thing is happening all over the country. All sorts of dirty little hole in the wall abortion mills are being shut down these days and Prolifer's are reporting these numbers as evidence for their success (just like they have been doing for the past 40 years). BUT what they are not reporting is the fact that state of the art killing centers that service much larger areas are opening up in their place. What we are seeing is the creation of a much more sophisticated, governmentally funded, planned parenthood monopolized abortion industry which is learning to meet all the criteria set for them by the pro-life movement yet still get away with MURDER.
Planned Parenthood has learned how to play the pro-life movement's (and the GOP's) game and though they are vexed by the regulations, they will certainly comply with them if it means that get to keep on killing. And while the pro-life movement helps to make abortion more safe and clean for people who want to kill their babies, the abortion industry still makes millions of dollars butchering babies before they are 20 weeks old (for instance).
The abortion industry has even learned to use the small victories of the prolife movement in their own fundraisers. (Letters and emails requesting "Help to save Abortion!" go out as often as the "Help us save the babies" letters that we all get).
Much more could be said about all of this, but here is the deal... We are focused on abolishing the practice of human abortion (murdering pre-born humans; scraping babies apart in the one place they are able to live; the practice of child sacrifice) and we believe that abolishing this practice WILL shut down ALL the clinics. Prolifers are focused on shutting down the clinics one by one and by whatever means works. There is a difference in strategy here and it is okay to be different (we all still hate abortion). We just happen to believe that the clinic by clinic or increment by increment strategy and focus doesn't go to the heart of the matter or the root of the tree. That is, we just don't believe that the prolifer's strategy in this regard will ever lead to abolition. If we did, we would call ourselves pro lifers.
To be quite bold and clear, we actually believe that the strategies adopted by the biggest pro-life organizations and the most popular pro-life politicians are making it harder and harder to abolish in the future.
BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN that we are opposed to saving babies every day while we implement our different seven stage strategy of cultural reform and transformation.
Our criticisms of strategy do not apply to the daily work of good pro-life people all over the planet.
If we were opposed to saving individual lives all along the way to eventual abolition, why in the world would we spend so much time engaging in it? Why would we run so many memes and arguments exposing abortion and destroying prochoice misinformation? Why would we run so many pictures and videos of abolitionists engaging people in the culture and at the "clinics." Why would we drop cards, hold signs, pass out quad-folds?
Anyone who tells you that AHA is opposed to saving babies along the way to abolition and that we are not happy with a single life saved unless every life is saved at the same time is either completely ignorant of our position and its application or they are straight up lying about us.
So... back to the point. We actually think that all sorts of good work (by both pro-lifers and abolitionists) goes into the closing of abortion clinics and that it is not just the politicians and pro-life industry leaders who deserve credit for their closings. Indeed, we tend to believe that killing centers are most effectively shut down, by the work of local anti-abortionists who dry up the financial stability of a "clinic" by making their abortion unthinkable and unnecessary (by way of assistance and agitation).
The more agitation about abortion, the more exposure of its evil, the more people talking, thinking, an praying about abortion; the more families stepping up to adopt; the more pastors teaching and preaching against it; the more abortion survivors growing up and speaking out; the more post-abortive women repenting and becoming anti-abortion speaker; etc etc etc; the more abolitionist societies being formed... ALL OF THIS works together to close down these so-called clinics.
So please understand that we do not oppose the closing down of any abortion center. We just do not hijack the closing of a clinic and use it as a means to support our organization or ideology.
We want everyone who hates abortion to adopt Abolitionism instead of incrementalism. We want followers of Christ to unify around the abolition of abortion rather than its regulation.
Thank you for reading this long post. It is important to understand these distinctions.
We are happy to hear of every killing center closed down and we pray they remain closed for good. We just don't turn these happy occasions into triumphalist claims about the success of whatever the current legislative battle is or use them in our fundraising pitches or claim that if you send us a thousand dollars we will close down the rest by the same means.
We think it is more complicated than all that.
There are many reasons and causes behind a particular clinic's being shut down and some of the reasons that a clinic is shut down end up preserving the right to abortion longer and make its practice more difficult to abolish in the future.
For instance, when pro-lifers shut down a clinic BECAUSE it isn't very clean (as opposed to shutting it down because it is a murderous child sacrifice center) the abortion industry improves that clinic or opens a better clinic down the street.
This sort of thing is happening all over the country. All sorts of dirty little hole in the wall abortion mills are being shut down these days and Prolifer's are reporting these numbers as evidence for their success (just like they have been doing for the past 40 years). BUT what they are not reporting is the fact that state of the art killing centers that service much larger areas are opening up in their place. What we are seeing is the creation of a much more sophisticated, governmentally funded, planned parenthood monopolized abortion industry which is learning to meet all the criteria set for them by the pro-life movement yet still get away with MURDER.
Planned Parenthood has learned how to play the pro-life movement's (and the GOP's) game and though they are vexed by the regulations, they will certainly comply with them if it means that get to keep on killing. And while the pro-life movement helps to make abortion more safe and clean for people who want to kill their babies, the abortion industry still makes millions of dollars butchering babies before they are 20 weeks old (for instance).
The abortion industry has even learned to use the small victories of the prolife movement in their own fundraisers. (Letters and emails requesting "Help to save Abortion!" go out as often as the "Help us save the babies" letters that we all get).
Much more could be said about all of this, but here is the deal... We are focused on abolishing the practice of human abortion (murdering pre-born humans; scraping babies apart in the one place they are able to live; the practice of child sacrifice) and we believe that abolishing this practice WILL shut down ALL the clinics. Prolifers are focused on shutting down the clinics one by one and by whatever means works. There is a difference in strategy here and it is okay to be different (we all still hate abortion). We just happen to believe that the clinic by clinic or increment by increment strategy and focus doesn't go to the heart of the matter or the root of the tree. That is, we just don't believe that the prolifer's strategy in this regard will ever lead to abolition. If we did, we would call ourselves pro lifers.
To be quite bold and clear, we actually believe that the strategies adopted by the biggest pro-life organizations and the most popular pro-life politicians are making it harder and harder to abolish in the future.
BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN that we are opposed to saving babies every day while we implement our different seven stage strategy of cultural reform and transformation.
Our criticisms of strategy do not apply to the daily work of good pro-life people all over the planet.
If we were opposed to saving individual lives all along the way to eventual abolition, why in the world would we spend so much time engaging in it? Why would we run so many memes and arguments exposing abortion and destroying prochoice misinformation? Why would we run so many pictures and videos of abolitionists engaging people in the culture and at the "clinics." Why would we drop cards, hold signs, pass out quad-folds?
Anyone who tells you that AHA is opposed to saving babies along the way to abolition and that we are not happy with a single life saved unless every life is saved at the same time is either completely ignorant of our position and its application or they are straight up lying about us.
So... back to the point. We actually think that all sorts of good work (by both pro-lifers and abolitionists) goes into the closing of abortion clinics and that it is not just the politicians and pro-life industry leaders who deserve credit for their closings. Indeed, we tend to believe that killing centers are most effectively shut down, by the work of local anti-abortionists who dry up the financial stability of a "clinic" by making their abortion unthinkable and unnecessary (by way of assistance and agitation).
The more agitation about abortion, the more exposure of its evil, the more people talking, thinking, an praying about abortion; the more families stepping up to adopt; the more pastors teaching and preaching against it; the more abortion survivors growing up and speaking out; the more post-abortive women repenting and becoming anti-abortion speaker; etc etc etc; the more abolitionist societies being formed... ALL OF THIS works together to close down these so-called clinics.
So please understand that we do not oppose the closing down of any abortion center. We just do not hijack the closing of a clinic and use it as a means to support our organization or ideology.
We want everyone who hates abortion to adopt Abolitionism instead of incrementalism. We want followers of Christ to unify around the abolition of abortion rather than its regulation.
Thank you for reading this long post. It is important to understand these distinctions.