Following in the footsteps of former abolitionist movements, we aim to end one of the greatest human miseries and moral evils to have ever become entrenched in our world. Like those who worked to effect the abolition of legalized human slavery, we will not rest until we have effected the total abolition of legalized human abortion.
Our primary goal is simple: we want to encourage informed, rigorous, and consistent thought and action regarding the frequent occurrence of abortion within our communities. We want to instigate and enhance the level of rational discussion regarding the question of whether the legally sanctioned system of human abortion on demand is just or not. And we hope to inspire pro-life individuals to become more assertive and actively involved in the adherence to and expression of a way of life that is truly in favor of life.
This means we must focus on reasoning with people about abortion while we seek at the same time to create ways in which those choosing not to procure an abortion as an easy way out of a difficult situation to receive the financial, emotional, and medical help they so desperately need.
This means we must focus on reasoning with people about abortion while we seek at the same time to create ways in which those choosing not to procure an abortion as an easy way out of a difficult situation to receive the financial, emotional, and medical help they so desperately need.
We desire to boldly discuss the legality and morality of human abortion at the highest philosophical, scientific, and theological level, and express ourselves publicly through cultural, political, ecclesiastical, and artistic action. Yet we also desire to meet the needs of women facing unwanted pregnancies with spiritual, emotional, financial, and medical assistance.
To this end we [] are leading the way in setting up local societies made up of active, informed, creative, and compassionate individuals who choose to boldly identify themselves as modern day abolitionists---individuals who stand ready and willing to discuss the most difficult moral, scientific, and philosophical questions regarding abortion, and who also seek to create and instill cultural awareness and raise funds to promote and provide services that actually help women to bring their babies to term and care for them in the years following their birth.
The term pro-life technically applies to us, but it has come to carry politically-charged, inconsistent and (for lack of a better word) fluffy connotations. Because we are pro-life and want to do more to end the destruction of life, we are abolitionists. Yet we know that abolishing the laws which enable the practice of human abortion are not all that is necessary to protect life in our culture. We must also help those who find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy or find themselves greatly pressured to abort the developing human life within them, because let us make no mistake nor deceive ourselves - that life is human, and we have all been there.
We are abolitionists.
We are pro-children, pro-women, pro-adoption, and pro-education.
We aim to effect the abolition of human abortion. May God, in His mercy, help us.
(This blog post is originally authored by the founders of Abolish Human Abortion in Norman, OK. If you are outside of the Tampa, Florida area, please visit: to establish a local abolitionist society in your area.)
We are pro-children, pro-women, pro-adoption, and pro-education.
We aim to effect the abolition of human abortion. May God, in His mercy, help us.
(This blog post is originally authored by the founders of Abolish Human Abortion in Norman, OK. If you are outside of the Tampa, Florida area, please visit: to establish a local abolitionist society in your area.)