(The following article is authored by the admins of the ProjectFrontlines.com
website as part of the Abolitionists' response to everyone who disagrees
with the use of graphic images of murdered preborn babies in public.)
Yes, these pictures are of children. Brutally
murdered children. Children formed after God’s own image and slaughtered in
accordance with the laws of our land. Children who are your neighbors, your
sons and daughters, and fellow human beings. We totally understand your disgust at
seeing these images. We just don’t think you are disgusted enough.
But we agree. We’re not fond of
seeing these images either. But just look at what our apathy is allowing to
occur in our so-called modern world. Consider how the institution of
child sacrifice has more than ruined the days of over 55 million innocent
That is to say… If you find these images to be depicting something so evil that high schoolers (many of whom play video games where they can put a gun to the head of a life-like human and pull the trigger or watch hours of TV depicting zombies eating brains or serial killers kidnapping and torturing teenage girls) shouldn’t see them, why in the world are you not doing anything to stand against it?
The fact that you choose to chastise us for exposing the reality of child sacrifice instead of chastising those who make a very good living off of dismembering babies, is indicative of what your priorities truly are.
Babies are being dismembered down the
road from your child’s high school. Some of those babies are your
grandchildren. All of those babies are your neighbors. They are all real living
human beings created in the image of your God, with real blood and real
internal organs and real brains. We’re just showing you the pictures of what
goes on in the real world…. the one you are attempting to escape from when you
come against the Abolitionists of your age.
But before you get all mad and leave
this page in a prideful huff… consider a few points:
1). We have chosen to employ graphic
images in our work after thorough reflection, serious prayer, and only do so on
a case-by-case basis. High schoolers are old enough to create children and
destroy them. They are old enough to see what they, or their peers, or their
parents are doing.
2) Part of the power of abortion is
that it happens behind closed doors. We know it is there, but we don’t see it,
so it doesn’t touch us deep down, just like the Nazis killed Jews in the
concentration camps. The locals knew it was happening, they saw the Jews carted
in, they could see the smoke and smell the burning flesh, but they didn’t see
the awful condition of the Jews. It wasn’t until Allied soldiers made them walk
through the camps that they shuddered inside at the true barbarism of the
And that’s what pictures of abortion
do. They wake us up to the cruel, violent, selfish, evil, barbaric, bloody act
that abortion truly is. And hopefully, those who still have a sliver of a
conscience will realize that abortion is not only morally repugnant, but
something which we ought to be focused on abolishing.
4) If these preborn children are merely
clumps of cells, products of conception, parts of their mothers’ bodies, why
are you so upset? Is it merely the sight of blood, or is something else going
on? Are you 100% sure that some part of you doesn’t know that the remains of a
dead child are not the same as, say, a set of extracted wisdom teeth?
5) Just so you know… this is not all we
do. Please take a look at the pamphlet we are handing out to students. It only
contains one graphic image. The other 19 pages deal with so-called arguments
for abortion and the right to choose, attempt to teach students that abortion
is not something you just wake up and do but the result of walking a path that
leads to death, and offer assistance to those facing the temptation to
dismember their child rather than raise them. Our approach is
multifaceted, and people generally find being outraged about these images as a
convenient way to sidestep everything else that we have to say.
But let’s return to your concern that
our images are too shocking to show outside public high schools. Maybe you
agree with us, but think that this is not the right way to go about fighting abortion.
1. We’re open to your ideas. Please
send them our way.
2. If you really really do want to stop
seeing these pictures… please help us Abolish Human Abortion.
And get this. The same “children” we
engage outside of a High School are adult enough to legally murder their
children. Why is it that they are not adult enough to see the fruit of
their decisions?
There is a very simple reason that you
find these images offensive. They are offensive. What they depict ought to be
naturally offensive to you. We don’t want to see graphic
abortion images either. In fact, this is the explicit goal of every
abolitionist: to never see another image of abortion made under the protection
of our nation’s laws again.
That is, you might be worried about our
showing these images. We are worried about your kids making them. we are
far more concerned with keeping abortion from happening than we are with
keeping it hidden.
As it stands right now innocent
children created in the image of God are having their lives ruined because
people who know better are too busy trying to find comfort in this life to
rescue them. So, if you don’t want to see these images any longer, stand
up and fight along side us. Do more to stand against this evil than you
currently are. Whatever you do, don’t join the world in keeping it covered up.
Right now, you’re considered sane and
we’re considered crazy. But future generations will look at those who opposed
showing graphic images of abortion violence as wicked and compare you to the
good respectable Germans that American soldiers forced to bury the Jews murdered
in the death camps right outside their cities.
We agree with Martin Luther King JR when he said,
We are following the teachings of the Apostle Paul when he wrote, "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." (Ephesians 5:11)."Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up, but must be opened up with all of its ugliness to natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured."
Perhaps your argument is more simple. Perhaps you are just one of those people who say, “I don’t want to see this crap, this early in the morning?” Well, good for you. We don’t want to see young men and women DOING THIS TO THEIR CHILDREN this early in the morning.
Pardon us for being blunt. But are you just using this objection about graphic images to excuse you from standing against injustice? Or worse…. are you making a big deal out the impropriety of showing these images because you support what they depict? Why do you want to cover this up more than you want to see it abolished? What’s wrong with you?! We’re passionate about keeping this from happening. Your passionate about keeping it hidden? Well…sorry folks, we would rather offend your sensibilities and disturb your personal peace, than let abortion continue to be covered up.
PS: A righteously indignant abolitionist mom participating in Project Frontlines wants to get this off her chest: “You forfeited your right to that concern (the things your children see and hear) the moment you allowed your child to leave your presence. None of us can control completely what our children hear and see unless we keep our children with us and actively protect them from influences we consider undesirable. Some of us do that, and even then we can’t keep them from seeing every billboard on the street or every magazine cover in the store. If you send your children to school, you have contracted out your parenting responsibility and obligation. You are sending your children away to others for their rearing and education. You are not controlling what they see and hear. With conscious volition, you allow your children that freedom, you allow others to have influence over your children, whether teachers or peers. You cannot now complain that they are in the world, seeing truths that you find distasteful.”
PPS: These images aren’t doctored or made up out of thin air. This is really happening. If you are one of those people who like to say that these images are fake or “photo-shopped,” just ask yourself whether you would become an abolitionist in the event that you knew for certain that they were completely real… that’s what we thought.