A little later, I encountered a professing Christian woman who became very agitated that her daughter could see the image of the murdered baby that I was holding, claiming that I needed to "talk light to people and not cause confrontation" while she's confronting me. Such hypocrisy. In addition, when I told her that she needs to explain the truth of baby murder to her daughter, she adamantly said "no" that "God wants [her] to keep [her] child as innocent as possible as long as possible." What?? She says that to me while she's bringing her daughter to a very bloody, demonic zombie festival. More hypocrisy.
This is actually a huge problem with most professing "Christians." They hardly obey nor teach their children God's Law and His precepts. They go along with evil to have fun in this world and not be "confrontational," yet they confront real Christianity with disdain. God's Word tells us to expose evil—not just abstain from it. (Ephesians 5:11)
It's so hypocritical for a parent to claim that children will be traumatized by an image of a murdered baby while simultaneously exposing their children to very gory life-like zombies at a festival.
The fact is that children are NOT traumatized by the images of murdered babies. They simply want to know what happened to the baby and why it happened. Tell them! And then get engaged to end America's Pre-born Baby Holocaust.
You can watch the video clip of my outreach at this festival by clicking on the video embedded in this article or click here to see it on YouTube. Watch and listen for yourself how parents are exposing their children to the blood and gore at a zombie festival, while one professing "Christian" parent simultaneously makes a point to chastise a real Christian for being obedient in exposing the evil of baby murder.