Thursday, September 17, 2015

Do You Really Want Abortion Abolished? REALLY?

Would you consider yourself someone who truly wants abortion abolished? I mean really, really wants abortion abolished? If yes, then I’m saying to you today that I will believe you when I SEE you actually out in the public square exposing the evil of baby murder YOURSELF.

Why, you ask? Because sadly, 75% of professing evangelical, born-again Christians BELIEVE baby murder SHOULD BE LEGAL in "some cases." The official Gallup polls prove it. And if you don't believe that, I challenge you to go around your church and start asking people if they will help you be a voice for the preborn and actually labor with you to END ALL of baby murder with no exceptions, and you'll discover real fast the large number of people who will instantly distance themselves from you; or become hostile toward you; or will flat out tell you that they, themselves, or a friend of theirs HAD TO HAVE an abortion because it was "necessary;" therefore, they SUPPORT a person's decision to get an abortion.
The reality is that this position is what actually makes up the majority of the “pro-life” position in America today. This is what truly defines the majority of the “pro-life” movement. And it’s because of this position held by the majority in the “pro-life” movement that is keeping ALL of baby murder accepted in our culture.

Since the Planned Parenthood videos came out exposing the graphic truth of baby murder, the only call-to-action that the “pro-life” movement is making is for the government to “defund” Planned Parenthood. Seriously? After all the undercover work that went into exposing the graphic barbaric brutality of baby murder, all you believe that should be done is for the government to simply have it no longer subsidized with tax payer money? Seriously?? Did it ever occur to you to call for the government to prosecute the abortion industry workers for first-degree murder? Why isn’t the “pro-life” movement calling for the prosecution of the baby butchers?

Trying to "defund" baby murder is FUTILE. It's an elusive pipe dream that the career pro-lifers want you to believe will mysteriously "save some lives" in order for them to continue to get your donations year after year after year with no strategy plan that will lead to the complete abolition of human abortion.

The problem lies in the hearts of professing Christians who believe abortion SHOULD BE LEGAL in "some cases." So the bulk of the work that abolitionists are currently doing is SEEDING the culture in order to wake up the Christian community and the rest of the culture from the destructive thinking that they have adopted over the past four decades in favor of abortion in "some cases."

Recently, I received a fundraising letter from a “pro-life” organization that wanted everyone to pledge a certain amount of money to donate to their organization each time a certain football team made a touchdown. What?? Just imagine about 60 or 100 years from now, decades after baby murder has been abolished, what do you suppose our future generations will think of these people (from organizations like the aforementioned) about how they conducted themselves in the midst of the most bloody holocaust the world has ever known? Mind you, the COO of this "pro-life" organization is getting paid a salary to do this all in the name of "saving 'some' babies."

Can you imagine men like, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, putting out a fundraising challenge to his community, asking them to make a pledge to donate a certain number of Deutsche Marks to his ministry of "Save the Jews" every time the Germans won a gold medal in the 1936 Berlin Olympics? How dare any “pro-life” organization turn the suffering of the preborn into a light-hearted, entertaining fundraising piece of propaganda for their own selfish gain and fulfillment; especially when it has absolutely no goal of actually ending the bloodshed. So many people in the “pro-life” movement need to repent of this evil mindset and practice.

Until the majority of the population genuinely sees and treats baby murder for the barbaric, brutal violent act of murder that it is, there will NOT be any "defunding" bills or personhood bills that will get passed. Nor will there be any Presidents, U.S. supreme courts, legislatures, governors, judges, mayors, city councils, county clerks, police chiefs, etc. who will invoke the 5th and 14th Amendments to include the preborn and then proceed to re-criminalize baby murder. It's just not going to happen.

Therefore, the best use of anyone's time, energy and resources (at this point in time) is to be laboring to EXPOSE the evil of baby murder over and over and over again out in the public square. So go get the equipment and supplies that you need to start educating the public and start engaging them on the subject of baby murder to help them understand what abortion REALLY is. Here's a good place to start: