[The following article is authored by Abolitionist, T. Russell Hunter in Norman, Oklahoma]
One of the most biblically ignorant and delusive teachings that a believer can ever fall into thinking is the idea that you can honor and glorify God in some kind of an inactive and inward decision that takes place in your heart or mind alone which is then primarily expressed by meeting, hanging out with, and talking and listening to other people who have also made this decision themselves.
God desires truth, justice, and mercy. He commands that you love Him by loving your brothers, your sister, and your neighbors. To glorify God you must be faithful to take action in this regard. The distance between loving God who you have not seen and your brother who you have seen is not some kind of a long winding path of gradual sanctification that leads a believer from loving God to loving man (though the love we have for both God and man will grow over time as a result of sanctification).
It is absolute trash to believe that the first step is to glorify God and then the next step is to seek to do His will. Those are the same step.
If you are sitting under some kind of teaching that says the first thing is to honor God in your mind and then it is to love your local church friends and leaders and then, after you have done that well, to love your neighbors as yourself, then you are not merely imbibing the teaching of dead orthodoxy, but quite possibly attending one of the tens of thousands of white washed tombs that are most responsible for the current holocaust that the people of God are seeking to abolish in the name and power of Jesus Christ.
Do not defend them lest you would be willing to stand before Jesus and say, “but Lord Lord, did we not faithfully teach sound doctrine in your name and did we not meet in local assembly in your name first and foremost!?” He will no doubt remind you that He gave two quite different commands and that while you were not wrong to teach sound doctrine or meet together for prayer, worship, fellowship, and the observance of sacrament, you should not have neglected the weightier matters of His Holy Law. [end of article]
It's time for all Christians to engage in the fight to end America's Abortion Holocaust. Go to: www.AbolishHumanAbortion.com and find or start an abolitionist society in your community.