If you are pregnant and need help, dial 211 and an operator in the county you're calling in will be able to direct you to an organization that can help you get help for you and your baby. You're not alone.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
How much more evidence do Christians need to see of baby murder before they will help end it?
How much more evidence do Christians need to see of how serious our Abortion Holocaust is before the Church will rise up against this EVIL? Christians need to stop playing around with their 20-week abortion bans, sonogram legislation, donating diapers to pregnancy centers, going on annual "walks/marches for life," baking "cupcakes for life," going to "concerts for life," etc. etc., and get serious about DEMANDING that ALL ABORTIONS BE BANNED with NO EXCEPTIONS!! It's time to www.AbolishHumanAbortion.com NOW!!