Friday, March 6, 2015

Pain-Capable Bill is Evil Legislation

            If you believe that the 20-week Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act is "pro-life" legislation, then I would have to ask you: Have you honestly read the actual text of the bill itself? Honestly? The unintended consequence of legislation, designed to regulate abortion is that it undermines the very concept of the right to life.  The general public, along with public officials, lawmakers, and judges are taught through "pro-life" legislation that the unborn have no right to life. They are being treated as a piece of property.  If this legislation was truly pro-life, then it would not provide the description on how someone can legally carry out the murder of a child based solely on the age of the child.

             It's time to examine this legislation a little closer. Here are a few excerpts from the bill. I implore you to think critically on what is actually being communicated in this legislation.  You will soon discover how this so-called "pro-life" bill does NOTHING to save any babies from a very brutal death. In essence, there is nothing pro-life about this legislation at all.

            Sec. 3. (b) (1) The physician [i.e. the baby killer] performing or attempting the abortion [i.e. the murder] shall first make a determination of the probable post-fertilization age of the unborn CHILD. . . .
            Sec. 3 (b) (2) (A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the abortion [i.e. the murder] shall not be preformed or attempted, if the probable post-fertilization age, as determined under paragraph (1), of the unborn CHILD is 20 weeks or greater.
            Sec. 3 (b) (2) (B) Subject to subparagraph (C), subparagraph (A) does NOT APPLY if: (ii) the pregnancy is the result of rape, or the result of incest against a minor. . . . (Emphasis is mine.)

            In this examination, we first see the acknowledgement of the presence of a "child" in which his/her age must first be determined before the act of murder can legally be carried out.

            The second element that is being communicated is that if a woman conceives a child through violent conception, then that child has NO protection from being brutally murdered at any stage of his/her human fetal development.

            The final overall spirit of this evil legislation is that lawmakers are treating preborn babies like a piece of property.  They are expecting the baby killers to be honest in their reporting on how old these babies are and honest in determining whether or not a baby was conceived through rape.  Do you actually believe that a baby killer, who can legally murder a baby for profit, has a moral conscience that will kick-in just long enough to be completely honest in his/her evil practice of child sacrifice? Seriously? Who's going to be standing over the killer's shoulder to make sure he/she is properly carrying out his/her insidious acts of murder?  As soon as the babies' bodies are carried off to a laboratory for callous experimentation or otherwise incinerated, there won't be any evidence that an unlawful murder occurred. The end result, in all actuality, is that this legislation saves ZERO babies. None. Nada. Zilch. 

            Please stop believing the sinister rhetoric that this legislation is "a step in the right direction" because it's not!  Politicians and multi-million dollar "pro-life" organizations have been playing this game with you and me for over forty-two years! For over forty-two years everything has been a "step in the right direction" just to get your money and/or your vote while no true action is being taken to put a death nail in this massive bloodshed.

            The only true legislation that will abolish human abortion is a Personhood Amendment for the Preborn with NO exceptions. And with that, the Amendment needs to be ENFORCED by the magistrates. That's it. That's the answer. Don't settle for anything less than Personhood for the Preborn with no exceptions.

            But here's the sad part: As of today we live in a culture where 75% of professing evangelical, born-again Christians believe that baby murder should be legal in "some cases." With that large percentage of that mind-set coming from the Christian community, Personhood will never pass.

            It's time to change the status quo and get serious about ending this holocaust!  Go to and get started in your community to rescue your preborn neighbors and expose the evil of abortion. In this process, we will be able to challenge people's beliefs on the evil practice of baby murder. They will begin to view preborn babies as fellow human beings, deserving of all the equal protections under the law as are afforded to post-born people. That's when the tide will change to a nation that will truly abolish human abortion.

            If you would like a copy of the actual printed text (in full) of the 20-week Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, just send me your request to PO Box 3292, Riverview, FL 33568. Or you can easily find the bill through an internet search. Please be vigilant and don't fall any longer for the empty rhetoric that we've been fed by politicians and self-serving "pro-life" organizations. Demand of lawmakers Personhood for the Preborn. It is their duty to protect ALL human beings regardless of the person's age, physical abnormalities, gender, their mother's health, how they were conceived, or being unwanted by their mother.

            When God's people truly repent of their apathy and indifference toward the plight of the preborn, we will experience a great, much needed revival in the Church. It's time for a true revival in America!