This candid interaction with a high school student reveals how something is seriously wrong in the American Church. How in the world can this young woman declare herself to be a "very strong" Christian, yet have so little value for human life? And she's not the only professing Christian who thinks like this. I have had numerous conversations with professing Christians who have approached me and said to me that they believe abortion should be legal in "some cases."
It's time to put an end to this blatant disregard for human life from professing Christians. It's time for the true Christian community to wake up and obey Jesus' command to make disciples, teaching them to obey ALL that He has commanded. One of those commands is to love our neighbor (which includes our preborn neighbors.) Another command is to expose the deeds of darkness (Ephesians 5:11.) Loving our preborn neighbors is not a special calling for a special ranked few---it's a command for ALL followers of Jesus Christ to obey.
How much longer will you wait to get involved? Go to AbolishHumanAbortion and find an abolitionist society in your area. You can also find out at that website how you can start your own abolitionist society. Or if you are in the Tampa, Florida metro, contact me, using the contact form on this website blog. I have events going on every week. Let me know when you are available to go out with me in the Tampa metro area to expose the truth of abortion in our communities. I have signs to hold and literature to pass out.
It's time to get serious about putting an end to America's Abortion Holocaust. Will you be faithful and obedient to Christ and love your preborn neighbor? Babies are being murdered at least six days a week in Tampa and all across the country. Will you help rescue them? It's time to engage.
Diana Kline
Abortion Abolitionist